Image via Diamond Nails
Finally! Your summer vacation is here! You spent all week running your last minute errands: trips to the mall, finding that perfect bikini, gettting your bags packed – and now you are ready to hit the road! Your tan is flawless, your legs are silky smooth and your mani/pedi is on point. Your confidence is up and the only thing that could ruin this lasting feeling is nothing other than a dreadful polish chip. Let’s face it ladies, there is nothing cute or fashionable about chipped nail polish.
We wanted to take some time today to give you some tips and tricks that will help extend your manicure and pedicure through all that walking in the sand and kicking of waves.
SCRUB, SCRUB, SCRUB: Oil, dust, dirt will all hinder the polish to adhere property to the nail bed. Use a nail brush with a gentle soap to scrub away any hiding dirt or oil on your nail bed to give polish the best fighting chance.
DEYHDRATE: Your nail must be fully dry before you paint on that color. Swipe on an acetone based nail cleaner.
BASE COAT: Use a sticky base coat prior to painting on your color. This will not only help the polish to adhere but also will smooth out any small ridges your nail plate naturally has. This is going to offer your manicure the staying power you need!
LIGHT STROKES: Try and cover your nail in 3 strokes. The thicker the nail polish the easier it will be to catch and chip off.
LOCK IT UP: Make sure to paint the free edge with both your polish and top coat.
OIL TIME: You have to keep your nails hydrated. Cuticle oil is the best way to give your nails a much needed drink. Adding oil onto your nails as part of your grooming routine is a must do!
VACAY TIME: Now go out and enjoy some vacay fun with your chip free nails! You have earned it!
Image via Good Life Studio
Eleni Hopkins grew up in a home where art and fashion were always the forefront of conversation. A Native to San Francisco, her passion for style, color and texture have made her fearless to take risks in order to stay on the cutting edge of fashion and beauty trends. It was her craft with palettes of color and make-up brushes that prompted her move to Los Angeles and her love for clothing, designers and street trends that have kept her here. With a creative but critical eye, Eleni is excited to share her love for dress up and show readers how to spice up their wardrobe and enjoy their time in front of the mirror.